“Free the child's potential and you will transform him into the world”
- Maria Montessori
Sharon Montessori loosely follows the Sharon Public Schools calendar. Please consult the calendar below for details on our school year, including breaks and holidays.
Important Dates:
Orientation Morning Tuesday, September 6, 10:00 – 11:00am
First Day of School Wednesday, September 7
Phase-in schedule for new children only:
Wednesday, September 7 – half-day, dismissal at 12:00 pm
Thursday, September 8 – half-day, dismissal at 12:00 pm
Friday, September 9 – first full-day for new children
Rosh Hashanah* Monday, September 26
Yom Kippur* Wednesday, October 5
Indigenous Peoples’ Day* Monday, October 10
Veterans Day* Friday, November 11
Thanksgiving Break* Wednesday, November 23 through Friday, November 25
Winter Break* Monday, December 19 through Monday, January 2
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day* Monday, January 16
February Break* Monday, February 20 through Friday, February 24
Spring Professional Day* Friday, March 17
Spring Break* Monday, April 17 through Friday, April 21
Memorial Day* Monday, May 29
Last Day of School Friday, June 9
*School closed